Whilst it would be unfair to say that yes, you can easily learn perfect pitch, there have been studies that point to it being a definite possibility. Can You Learn Perfect Pitch?įor a long time, it has been accepted that perfect pitch is a natural genetic ability and not something that can be learned. It would be a fun game to get on a piano and play certain notes for them to sing, to test their invaluable skill. If someone has a perfect pitch, you can name a note and they will be able to pluck it out of the air and sing it perfectly. It also allows them to sing in tune and ‘on the pitch’ all of the time. It is a rare phenomenon, but looking around your peers, you will probably be able to find someone who has it. Perfect Pitch is the ability of a singer to identify any note, just from hearing it. Some people are naturally good at it, others need more practice and guidance. Whereas you cannot change the tone of your voice to any great degree (you are born with a certain tone), it is possible to practice your pitching. Singing teachers regularly use the piano to help singers stay in pitch when practising their scales, or to illustrate the pitch they should be singing certain parts of the song at. Singers often use a piano when practicing, as it is a good way to determine what pitch their voice is set at, and also helps them to stay ‘on the pitch’. If you take a piano, looking down at the keys, any notes below the middle C(to the left) will be at a lower pitch than those above(to the right), which will be at a higher pitch. The piano is a good example to illustrate how pitch works. An instrument like a piano has notes of both a high and a low pitch. A bass guitar sticks almost exclusively to notes of a lower pitch, while a violin or a bell-like instrument will be at a much higher pitch. Different instruments operate at different pitches too. Some people sing at a higher pitch (think Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey, Sam Smith) while others like Johnny Cash and Leonard Cohen have a noticeably lower pitch. To create a pleasing sound for the listener, it is important to pay attention to pitch and make sure you are generally ‘on the pitch’, and in tune. You can be on the pitch, which means in tune, or off pitch, which means out of tune. Whereas ‘tone’ describes the pleasing sound a singer’s voice makes, ‘pitch’ is the technical level someone sings at. Singers often speak about the pitch they sing in. When you sing, you create a pitch and it is either high or low. Put simply, it is the high or low frequency of a sound. Other items such as rulers, bells, and instruments also create pitch. Pitch in singing is the voice creating a noise that has a regular number of variations per second. Posted on by Laura What Is Pitch In Singing?